TDGI’s Energy Solutions and Analysis & Diagnosis departments, began on April 17 its first certification under the SGCIE – Management System of Intensive Energy Consumption – in Soplast placed in Valongo.
This industrial unit is dedicated to the production of plastic componentes, mainly for the automotive industry, where a significant part of its turnover is oriented for export.
This project will aim to perform an energy analysis to the infrastructure, in order to design and implement a plan of energy consumption rationalization to reduce the associated costs.
With this new challenge, TDGI’s intervention in Industrial area the technical know-how in energy optimization solutions.
TDGI, grâce à ses solutions d’énergie ministères et Analyse et diagnostic, a commencé le 17 Avril sa première certification en vertu de la SGCIE – Système de gestion de la consommation d’énergie intensive – en Soplast usine de Valongo.