TDGI at the 15th National Maintenance Congress – APMI 2019 (Braga)

TDGI at the 15th National Maintenance Congress – APMI. Presentation by Eng. João Pedro Ribeiro, under the theme “Group replacement of quick wear components subject to alternative policies for corrective maintenance, systematic preventive and predictive preventive”.

TDGI at the 15th National Maintenance Congress. Presentation by Eng. João Pereira, under the theme “Register and Audit of Condition to Real Estate Assets”.

TDGI at the 15th National Maintenance Congress – APMI (Braga). Representation of Eng. Diogo Nunes at the dialogue table with the theme “Asset management and adaptation of maintenance in times of industrial revolution”.

A TDGI no 15o Congresso Nacional de Manutenção - APMI 2019 (Braga)